Wednesday, 30 April 2008

Want to get invovled?

Im thinking of putting together a library that will provide useful classes for working with the YouTube API.

It will allow users more freedom when developing their applications. All they do is include the library (or include it in a specified include path within the .ini) and away they go. Getting a list of recently uploaded videos from a user will be a case of creating the required object and calling one of its methods.

What's people views? Im open to comments on this and if anyone feels like getting involved pop me an email at:

Planning is currently underway to see if its feasible or not.


Anonymous said...

Great idea, and thanks! I've barely scratched the surface of YouTube as yet, so I'm afraid I'll be taking away more than I can give, at least to start. But I hope I might be able to make some small contribution later. Meanwhile I've bookmarked the page and I'll be watching with interest.

Anonymous said...

I really like the idea. The Youtube API is a hard thing to learn for people who dont use it that often so creating a PHP library would be fantastic. I will watch the site for updates and I am looking forward to the end product. Thumbs up from me!

Anonymous said...

I'm not a PHP developer, so to mirror above comments, I'd be a user/leecher than a contributor. However the ability to upload videos and detect their status via the API would be a massive thing for me. Essentially the ability to use YouTube as a video store (to convert .xyz to .flv, for example) and let me know when that conversion is complete so I can use the video in my own application.

Look forward to any progress. Bookmarked.

Anonymous said...

i have personally used the phpflickr library, which is basically the same thing but is a wrapper class for the flickr API. I have found this enormously helpful in the few projects i have used it for as it greatly reduces the learning curve for the API.

I think the most helpful thing (once the library is built) is to show a range of examples (with annotated source code) of the type of things it can do. These always act as a good starting point for people developing their own apps.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, and forgot to add, let me know if you need any help with it at any stage. My php skills are limited but i could set up a free hosting account for you on our dedicated server if you need somewhere to host the site.

Anonymous said...

I don't want to put a downer on the idea but hasn't this already been done with the PEAR package Services_Youtube?